ICHRIE 2022 Case Study Competition & Publication Series Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases (JHTC)
All case studies submitted to the ICHRIE Case Study Competition are peer-reviewed and considered for publication in the ICHRIE electronic journal titled "Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases". The three most highly-evaluated and commented case studies will receive prestigious (financial and material) prizes, recognition and promotion at the ICHRIE Annual Conference and other promotional material. The top three case study prizes are:
First Prize, US $1,000
Second Prize, US $750
Third Prize, US $500
The case studies may focus on any topic and subject area related to the tourism & hospitality education and industry. Case studies may be compiled from field research, published sources and/or generalized experience. Case studies do not have to follow a specific structure. However, each case study is expected to include sections related to the following topics:
- A background of the subject organization and/or of the topic
- An analysis of the dilemma and/or the teaching objective
- A section explaining the questions and dilemmas of the case study
- A related bibliography and additional reading
The case studies must be of maximum 5,000 words excluding figures, tables, annexes and bibliography. Each case study submission must be accompanied by a teaching note for which there is no world limit (although a teaching note of a minimum of 1,000 words is expected). The case studies and the teaching note will be evaluated against three criteria: content, theoretical underpinning, and presentation. Case studies must adhere and follow the submission guidelines of case study writing.
The deadline for submitting case studies to the 2022 ICHRIE Case Study Competition is the 21st April 2022 (11:59 pm, EST) and must be submitted through the following EasyChair link.
If you require further information and/or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the JHTC Editors at [email protected].
Best regards,
Dr. Po-Ju Chen
Dr. Li-Chun Lin
Dr. Eve Ren
Co-Chairs, ICHRIE 2022 Case Study Competition
Co-Editors, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Case Studies