West CHRIE Federation 2022 Conference Wrap-up


Congratulations to the ICHRIE West Federation for hosting an amazing Virtual Conference in February 2022! We asked for some highlights from the West Federation President, Dr. Saehya Ann, who shared the following:

Greetings from the Northern California!

I am thrilled to share that it was another great WF CHRIE Conference this year, with a total of 361 conference attendees! Our virtual conference used the WHOVA app and everyone enjoyed using and interacting on WHOVA. We sent a total of 1,923 messages over the three days, created 48 community boards for discussions on various topics, and uploaded 81 photos! These numbers demonstrate how much we were able to interact and connect over the three days of the conference.

We had a total of 60 proposal submissions this year; it was great to see lots of researchers, educators and students connect in this amazing learning community and grow together.

It was the first time we hosted a community college welcome session at the WF CHRIE Conference. We welcomed more than 17 community colleges and 13 four-year institutions for a discussion on how to help and support each other. We also created the best community college connector award and hope  to continue this session in the future to strengthen the rapport between community colleges and four-year institutions!

We hosted the 2nd research hackathon featuring four teams that are successfully submitted their proposals. It was our first time working with the two ICHRIE journals, JHTR and JHTE. We look forward more opportunities to work with ICHRIE journals in the future!

Our undergraduate research competition was a big success, with a total of 13 teams participating. It is obvious that the WF CHRIE undergraduate research competition is gaining an international reputation as so many international teams participated in the competition. It was great to see our undergraduate students’ passion!

We also hosted two general sessions, three panel sessions and three professional development sessions. It was great to virtually meet, learn together and share our thoughts and knowledge.

I want to thank all of the conference attendees--thank you so much for attending our 2022 WF CHRIE Virtual Conference and for your support. Thank you to our hosting university, California State University, Sacramento and the organizational team. I also want to thank our university and industry sponsors.

Thank you to our board members, conference organizing committee, research hackathon committees, reviewers, panelists, student ambassadors, and all the judges--including the undergraduate research competition judges and JHTE and JHTR editors! It was a wonderful time with you all!

The conference is over, but our WF CHRIE will never stop. We are excited to come back to you with new activities and news very soon!

Thank you all!
Dr. Saehya Ann
West Federation CHRIE President

 Congratulations to Award Winners

Congratulations to the following award recipients acknowledged at the recent West Federation Conference: Dr. Michelle Alcorn, Dr. Eric D. Olson, Khawar Qureshi, Sherrie Tennessee, Hyelin Kim, Chuang Ning Kuang, Yung-Kuei Huang, Linchi Kwok, Angel F. Gonzalea, Page Viren, Ryan Giffen, Jamie Levitt, Dr. Cass Shum, Dr. Hyunghwa (Rick) Oh and Molly Jansen.

2022 West Federation Conference
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