JHTR Special Issue on Above and Beyond: Advancing the Power of Experiences in Hospitality and Tourism
The focus of this special issue is to seek scholarly submissions examining experience-related topics from various perspectives including (but not limited to) marketing, consumer behavior, accounting and finance, strategy, human resources, technology, supply chain, food and beverage, and planning and design for the hospitality and tourism industry.
This special issue welcomes systematic literature syntheses, meta-analyses, seminal theory-building efforts, scale development and validation studies, or innovative research designs that relate to hospitality and tourism experiences.
Full information for this special issue is available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/page/jht/cfp-experiences-hospitality-tourism. The guest editor team – including Laurie Wu (Temple University), Alei Fan (Purdue University), Yuansi Hou (University of Macau), and Wei Wei (University of Central Florida) – sincerely welcome international researchers to disseminate their cutting-edge knowledge and submit their top-quality works to this special issue.
If you are ready to contribute to this special issue, please be reminded:
- Full paper submissions are due by 5 P.M. Eastern (GMT+4), 31 March 2023 -- UPDATE: The deadline has been extended for this special issue, Above and Beyond: Advancing the Power of Experiences in Hospitality and Tourism, until 1 May 2023.
- All submitted manuscripts must follow the journal submission guidelines: https://journals.sagepub.com/author-instructions/JHT
- All manuscripts must be submitted via SAGE’s Manuscript Central: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jhtr (under the type “Special Issue: Hospitality & Tourism Experience”)