JHTR Now Accepting Registered Research

The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (JHTR) has a new submission category, Registered Research, now open for submissions.

JHTR is participating in the Center for Open Science registered reports initiative, called JHTR Registered Research (JRR). JRR are empirical studies whose introduction, methods, and proposed analyses have been reviewed before data collection. These papers go through a two-stage review process. Stage 1 is a peer review of the proposed study before data collection and Stage 2 is a peer review of the final paper once data collection and analyses are complete. If a JRR is accepted after the Stage 1 review, it will be in-principle accepted. This means that pending rigorous adherence to the protocol approved in the Stage 1 manuscript, the final paper will be accepted for publication after peer review by the same team of reviewers in Stage 2. Being fully equivalent to the regular submission category, JRRs are treated as regular research papers once published. As a publication, there is no difference whatsoever.

The literature reports an excess of beneficial results for registered research, which outperform non-registered research on every criterion blindly assessed including study importance, novelty, creativity, and rigor. Other benefits relate to a more constructive review experience.

Registered reports have been published for over a decade in other fields, but this is an emerging practice in our field. This new submission category is part of JHTR’s commitment to incubating and nurturing rigorous research practices and reducing publication bias.

JHTR welcomes registered research submissions from early-career researchers and seasoned scholars alike. The editorial leadership team looks forward to supporting creative research and ethical research methods through this new submission category.

Full information for this submission category is available at Registered Research Policy.

If you are ready to submit a registered report, please be reminded:

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