Starting an Eta Sigma Delta Chapter


Starting a chapter of Eta Sigma Delta is not a difficult undertaking, but it does require some extra time and effort, which will benefit many current as well as future students.

ESD Chapter Requirements

Chapters may be organized at colleges, universities or two-year schools offering baccalaureate degrees, associate degrees and/or diplomas in hospitality and tourism-related fields including but not limited to, Hotel Administration, Restaurant Management, Travel/Tourism Management, Club and Resort Management, Event Management, Institutional Management and Food Service Management.

The college or university must be an Executive (previously institutional) member of International CHRIE in good standing and each ICHRIE member institution’s chapter must be supported by a Faculty Advisor. Only members of CHRIE in good standing may serve as chapter advisors. The Faculty Advisor must hold Full ICHRIE membership unless he/she is listed as the Institutional member contact. The institution and the program faculty must also express support for the chapter and appropriate resources and recognition must be granted.

Because of the limited size of some programs, there is no minimum number of students required for each chapter, however, in order to maintain “active” status, an ESD chapter must hold a minimum of one (1) induction ceremony and one (1) activity of significance per year which shall not be their induction ceremony. This activity may include a research study, field cooperative program, a seminar, a service to society, etc.

While there are no requirements for activities, services, or programs beyond those indicated above, chapters are limited only by their own visions and expectations. All chapter members are encouraged to establish agendas and coordinate activities beyond those suggested above.

Applying for Eta Sigma Delta Chapter Membership

  • A chapter advisor must be selected and he/she must submit a statement of support and be of good standing as a full member of International CHRIE to serve as a chapter advisor (See membership requirements above)
  • Complete the ESD Chapter Application Form.
  • Include a brief history of the institution’s hospitality and tourism program along with a description of course offerings in the major(s). Brochures and bulletins are helpful supplemental information. These items may be scanned and emailed.
  • Proposed chapter bylaws must be included with the application. Please review the ESD Bylaws for model wording. ESD Bylaws are available for download on this page below.
Organizing an ESD Chapter
  • If the institution meets the eligibility requirements and there is sufficient interest in organizing an ESD chapter, a meeting for all interested students should be organized.
  • The purpose behind Eta Sigma Delta and the eligibility requirements for membership should be thoroughly explained. Eta Sigma Delta is first and foremost a professional honor society. Chapters are not limited to strictly academic pursuits. At the discretion of the chapter officers and the faculty advisor, ESD chapters may also function actively as campus organizations by engaging in service projects or other special activities.
  • Following the initial meeting, officers should be elected and a committee should be appointed to submit the application to Eta Sigma Delta’s headquarters in the International CHRIE office.

Chapter Application
ESD Bylaws


Gold Premium Members

                                       FL Gulf Coast Univ                     FL International University                                                                                                 Univ of North Texas       Washington State Univ