Benefits of Eta Sigma Delta Membership

Get started on building your international networks and careers. The professional benefits of Eta Sigma Delta include an opportunity for outstanding students to distinguish themselves in the eyes of educators, recruiters and industry executives in an increasingly competitive industry. In addition, ESD provides a networking system through their chapters that allows for interaction and the exchange of information among students. Often, ESD meets for special events or functions at annual trade shows. An Eta Sigma Delta column regularly appears in the ICHRIE monthly newsletter as well.

  • ESD Student will become student members of International CHRIE until the December after they graduate from their programme. They will then be eligible to apply for full ICHRIE membership. The ESD designation is lifelong; 
  • ESD can serve as a means of uniting outstanding students for campus activities, fundraisers and volunteer programs at institutions;
  • Educational benefits include the opportunity for ESD chapters to provide a stimulus for students to strive for academic excellence;
  • By functioning as a resource for the hospitality program, ESD chapters can also provide tutoring or other forms of academic support for students needing assistance;
  • Act as a resource from which Industry leaders can recruit;
  • Gain and develop networking opportunities with other ESD students across the world within ICHRIE.

Download a copy of the ESD Chapter Application or simply email your request to [email protected] and we will send you copies!

Who is Eligible to be a Member of Eta Sigma Delta?

The school must be a current Executive (previously Institutional) or Gold Premium / Premium Member of International CHRIE. In addition, the ESD Faculty Adviser will gain a complimentary full membership of International CHRIE if they have an active ESD Chapter. The ESD Society will grant membership to the following categories of individuals: Students, Alumni, Graduate Student, and Honorary.

  • An undergraduate student must have completed 50% of the credit hours required for graduation in an institution that has become a chapter of the Society. Provided the criteria is met, the student may have at least a sophomore (2nd year) or junior (3rd year) standing;
  • The student must be officially declared as a hospitality management major and have completed at least one complete year’s course work at the institution requesting society membership;
  • The undergraduate student must have obtained a 3.00 GPA or above at an institution with a 4.00 scale, or an equivalency at an institutional chapter using some other method of calculation. A student enrolled in an institution not on the 4.00 GPA, must rank at or above the top 20th percentile in class standing.

Upon initiation of a chapter, alumni memberships will be extended by each chapter to any graduate who has attained the qualifications as set forth above, at the time of graduation. Once a chapter is formed at a college or university, or two-year school offering baccalaureate degrees, associate degrees and/or diplomas, only individuals who are active student members at the time of their graduation shall attain alumni membership status. ESD membership is life-long.

Graduate students must have completed 50% of the credit hours required for a hospitality-related degree in an institution that has become a chapter of the Society. The graduate student must have obtained a 3.50 GPA or above at an institution with a 4.00 scale, or an equivalency at an institutional chapter using some other method of calculation. A student enrolled in an institution not on the 4.00 GPA, must rank at or above the top 15th percentile in class standing.

Honorary membership will be extended to individuals in the field who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management including all active Chapter Advisors and members of the Board of Governors. Nominations may be made by the individual chapter or by the Chapter Advisor. All requests for honorary memberships must be in writing and sent to the ICHRIE headquarters office. Honorary membership will be granted by a majority vote of the Society's Board of Governors.

Request a New Chapter Membership Applications
Fill out the Application for the establishment of a new Eta Sigma Delta Chapter or an ESD Student Application and submit to the ICHRIE Office. There is a fee of US $150 to either establish or to re-activate an ESD Chapter. Each Student Application requires a basic fee of US $50.

Application fees, Faculty Advisor signatures, and an induction ceremony date must be included with the application in order to process. Please allow three (3) weeks to process your order.

Send applications and any required supporting documentation by email or postal mail to:
International CHRIE ESD
3900 Westerre Parkway, Suite 300
Richmond, Virginia 23233
[email protected]

*Please note: For students whose institutions are paying the induction fees, each student will need to enter their details in the ICHRIE website in order to access their complimentary membership.

History of ESD

Gold Premium Members

                                       FL Gulf Coast Univ                     FL International University                                                                                                 Univ of North Texas       Washington State Univ