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Strategic Planning CommitteeThe Strategic Planning Committee is made up of the Vice Presidents of each of the six Federations as well as volunteers and chaired by the VP of ICHRIE. In 2021-22, a steering committee (53 members) lead by MJ Dolasinski and based on the input of 240 ICHRIE members, identified a series of recommendations and activities under the headings of teaching and learning, research, membership, and organisational capability / organisational culture. In 2022-23 the Strategic Planning Committee will build on this fantastic work by working with the various Directorates within ICHRIE (Education, Research, Membership, Industry Services, Conferencing, Networking, ESD and Marketing) to oversee the implementation of as many of these recommendations as possible. If you would like to be part of the Strategic Planning Committee, please do not hesitate to contact me - ralf.burbach@tudublin.ie
Lawrence Fong Florian Aubke James Williams Michelle Millar Noel Criscione Lu Zhang |